Hello everyone, welcome to my blog.

In this blog I would like to share a material about Part of Speech. But before we continue to the material, have you ever heard about Part of Speech before? If you never hear about this before, let’s learn together from the definition. Let’s get start. . .




Part of speech is a classification of words that are categorized according to their role and function in the sentence structure of a language. Each Part of Speech explains how the word is use, because sometimes the same kind of words has the same function in one sentence.



In English, part of speech can be classified into eight categories, they are: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.


Noun is any word which have a function to names person, thing, place, thing, animal or even activity, usually begin with particles such as: a, an, and the. Noun can be countable and uncountable, common noun and proper noun, abstract and concrete, and collective and compound noun.

a. Countable noun: the nouns that can be counted.

Example: book, pencil, apple. (We can say 1 apple, 2 apples, 3 apples, 1 pencil, 2 pencils, so apples and pencil can be included into countable noun)

b. Uncountable noun: the nouns that cannot be counted.

Example: oil, water, sand ( We cannot say 1 oil, 2 oil, 3 oil, because oil can’t be counted)

c. Common noun: name for something in common for many things.

Example: animal, school, plant.

d. Proper noun: name for something in specific or thing.

Example: Seoul (it only refers to one city), James (refers to one person)



Common noun is a noun that is used to names things in general, but Proper noun is only used to names person, place, things.

e. Abstract noun: a name for noun that cannot be seen and has no physical existence. Usually it refers to ideas, conditions, qualities. Abstract noun can be used as subject or object in a sentence.

Example: love, liberty, freedom.

f. Concrete noun: refers to the things that we see and have a physical existence.

Example: bag, flower, leaf, shoes.

g. Collective noun: words that used to names group of people, things, or animal.

Example: committee, family, pack, flock, bunch, and etch.

h. Compound noun: combined words that has two parts. First part tells about what kind of object, person, or its purpose. The second part identify the object or person in question.

Example: boyfriend, bluebird, washing machine, etc.



Nouns has several functions such as:

a. subject: The young girl with a yellow dress is my younger sister. Elephants is the biggest animal in the world.

b. direct object: Last week, I bought a new BTS album.

c. Indirect object: Nancy borrowed a pencil to Tina.

d. Object of preposition: Rissa walk around the school yard.

e.  Adverb: Tomorrow is my vaccine schedule.

f. Adjective: The key answer is wrong.

g. Possession: My mother’s dress is colorful.



Pronoun is a word that used to place a noun. Pronoun has a purpose to avoid repetition and make sentences easier to understand. Common pronoun are he, she, it, they, and this. Pronoun can be divided into seven, they are personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, relative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, reflexive pronoun, and the intensive pronoun.


a. Personal pronoun: refer to specific person or things to indicate a person, number, gender, or case.

ü  Pronoun that act as the subject of the sentence is called subjective personal pronoun such as I, You, They, We, She, He, It.

For example:

I write this letter to my brother.

She is beautiful.

They are my friends.


ü  While pronoun as the object of the sentence called objective personal pronouns, such as me, you, her, him, its, us, you, and them.

For example:

Let’s join with us.

I hate you.

She attended the party with her family.


ü  Possessive personal pronoun: define a person or a number of people who own a particular object. Examples of this pronouns are mine, yours, hers, him, theirs, ours.


For example:

That Korean dictionary is mine.

Those yellow bag is him.


b. Demonstrative Pronouns: used to identify a noun or a pronoun. This and these refer to things that nearby in space or time, while those and that refers to things that farther away in space or further away in time.

For example:

This book is very thick.

Please give me those drink.


c. Interrogative pronouns: kind of pronouns that is used to ask question. It can be who, whom, which, and what. Who and whom refers to people, while which used to refer things or animals. Whom is used as the object of the sentence, while who is used as the subject of the sentence.

 For example:

Which one is the most delicious?

To whom should I ask the solution for this problem?


d. Relative pronouns: used to link one phrase or clause to another phrase or clause. The examples of this pronouns are who, whom, which, and that. Besides that, using compounds such as whoever, whomever, and whichever are also common in relative pronouns.

For example:

That boy who wearing a headband is my boyfriend.

Those dress which has a unique design is very expensive.


e. Indefinite pronouns: refers to an identifiable, but not specified person or things. An indefinite pronoun conveys the idea of all, any, none, or some. The indefinite pronouns are all, anybody, anyone, any, anything, each, everybody, everyone, anything, few, many, nobody, several, someone, and everything.

For example:

Everybody loves him because he is friendly.

Nobody wants to be a poor person.

Please add some sugar in my tea.


f. Reflexive pronoun: pronoun that is used to refer back to the subject of the clause or sentence. The reflexive pronouns are: myself, herself, himself, themselves, ourselves, itself.

For example:

He bought a big house for himself.

Don’t worry, I can manage myself.


g. Intensive pronoun: pronoun that is used to emphasize their antecedent. This pronoun are identical in form to reflexive pronouns.

For example:

You yourself should show how amazing you are.



Verbs are the words in the sentence which describe what the subject is doing. Verbs almost always come after a noun or pronoun. Physical verbs used to describe specific physical action. Usually, physical verbs used when you make a motion with your body or used tools to complete an action. For example, I type my task in my pc. Mental verbs related to concepts such as discovering, understanding, thinking or planning. For example, I decided to being a teacher. States of being verbs is also known as linking verbs, can be used to describe conditions or situations that exists. These verbs are form of to be such as  am, is, and are. For example, they are my favorite boy-group.



Verbs can be divided into action verbs, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, auxiliary verbs, stative verbs, modal verbs, phrasal verbs, and irregular verbs.

a. Action verbs: used to express specific action, usually used when you want to discuss someone doing something. Action verbs, not just include of physical verbs but also include mental verbs. For example: walk, hear, breath, swim, and etch.

-Rose read a new novel.

-Justin sing a romantic song for his girlfriend

b. Transitive verbs:     action verbs that express doable activities that relate or affect someone or something. This kind of verbs followed by direct objects, noun, pronoun that are affected by the verbs. For example:

-Jerry broke Maddy’s car

-Her father taught him how to use laptop.

c. Intransitive verbs: an action verb that always doable activities. Intransitive verbs different from transitive verbs because these verbs are not followed by direct object. For example:

- Jenny got flu since yesterday.

-The phone is made in China.

d. Auxiliary verb is also known as helping verbs, usually used together with main verbs to form negative or question and to show the verb’s tense. The example of auxiliary verbs are: have, might, will, should, could, may, can, did, do.

For example:

Should I go to her birthday party?

May I help you?

I will come to your house after I finish my homework.

e. Stative verbs: verbs that is used to express a statement rather than action. These verbs relate to thoughts, relationship, emotions, senses, states of being and measurements.

For example:

James hates grasshopper

I think it will be better if we go there by bus.

f. Modal verbs: part of auxiliary that are used to express ability, possibilities, permissions and obligations. The examples of modal verbs are can, must, may, should, would.

For example:

I can play the guitar.

It would be nice if we celebrate the party together.

g. Phrasal verbs are combinations of words that are used together to take on different meaning from the original verbs. Some of phrasal verbs has colloquial meanings, such as point out, make up, hand in. For example:

-She looked forward to her summer holidays.

h. Irregular verbs are those that don’t take on the regular spelling patterns of past simple and past participle verbs. For example: eat become ate in past simple and eat become eaten in past participle.

-John take his umbrella (present tense).

-John took his umbrella (past tense).



Adjectives are words that use to describe or modify person or things in the sentence. Adjectives are descriptive words that only modify noun or pronoun and doesn’t modify another adjective, verbs, and adverbs.

a. Possessive adjective: kind of adjectives that is used to describe ownership (My, Her, His, Our).

For example:

I broke my watch yesterday.

Her skin is very sensitive.

b. demonstrative adjective: these kinds of adjectives point out noun and pronoun and used to answer question which one (this, that, these, those)

For example:

I bought this pen two days ago.

Those big building is my father’s office.

c. Proper adjectives: refers to proper names of peoples, places, and things.

For example: South Africa, Indonesian.

-My uncle is an Indonesian.

-He comes from South Korea.

d. Interrogative adjectives: these kinds of adjectives appear in interrogative sentence (what, which, whose).

For example:

Which flavor do you like?

What kind of story did you interested in?

e. Predicate adjectives: adjectives that following linking verbs, usually appear after noun or pronoun they describe.

For example:

Her brother is handsome.

Their children are very polite.

f. Indefinite adjectives: the adjectives that gives some information, they describe noun in a non-specific way (much, most, several, some).

-Most of the girl in my class are tall.

-How much is the cost of that luxurious apartment?

g. Quantitative adjectives: describes the exact or approximate amount of a noun. Numeral adjectives are included in these kinds of adjectives, which gives exact number of amounts. The examples of quantitative adjectives are all, no, few, many, little.

For example:

No one can be as kind as him.

Many people in my country have brown eyes.

h. Coordinate adjectives: consist of more than two or more adjectives that connected by a conjunction.

For example:

Beauty and talented, the girl hypnotized everyone at the competition.

i. Article adjectives: consist of three articles such as the, a, and an.

For example:

The young girl is my sister.

Living in a big city is not a good choice for me.

j. descriptive adjective: describe the characteristics of a noun such as how its size, color, shape, taste, and etch.

for example:

-My mother cooks a delicious fried rice.

-I choose this small bag.

k. Compound adjectives: kind of adjectives that composed of multiple words.

For example:

Steffanie is a part-time worker in my mother’s café.



Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence. Adverbs can be divided into five types, they are adverbs of time, adverbs of manner, adverbs of degree, adverbs of place, and adverbs of frequency.

a. Adverbs of time provides information about when a verb is happening. Examples of this adverbs are: always, never, just, lately, recently, during, yet, sometimes, soon, so far.

Example in the sentence:

I fall asleep during the class.

She never rides a horse before.

b. Adverbs of place: adverbs that provide information about where the verbs take places (here, there, nowhere, everywhere, out, in, above, below, into, inside, outside).

For example:

There are many roses here, let’s pick some for your mother.

Last Sunday, we went to the beach, and we saw many tourists everywhere.

c. Adverbs of manner: provide an information about how verb is done (quickly, slowly, beautifully, loudly, sadly, happily, and etch).

For example:

I walk slowly.

She eats the bread quickly.

d. Adverbs of degree explains the level or intensity of a verb, adjective, or even another adverb. Example of adverbs of degree are enough, so, simply, hardly.

For example:

I’m so addicted to his voice.

She thinks hardly to answer the question.

e. Adverbs of Frequency explains how often the verbs occurs (usually, often, always, rarely).

For example:

She always stares at him.

I usually go to school by bus.



Prepositions are words or phrase that connect verbs and adverbs, or noun and pronoun in a sentence. It usually in a form of short words, used to show a relationship between noun, pronoun, or phrase in the sentence and connect time, object, and people. Preposition can be divided into four types, they are preposition of time, preposition of place and direction, preposition of agent or things, and phrasal preposition.

a. preposition of time: show the relationship between nouns and the other part of the sentences. The most common of its kind are: in, on, at, from, to, since, before, until, etc.

For example:

I moved to New York since I was in junior high school.

My father drive to work at 07.00 am.

b. preposition of place and direction: show relationship of place between the nouns and the other parts of the sentences. Up, down, towards, across, between, among, below, etc.

For example:

Nia and Idris have a lot of similarity among them.

c. preposition of agents or things: indicate a casual relationship between nouns and other parts of the sentence.

For example:

I go to school with my friends.

My brother watches a film about superhero.

d. phrasal preposition: combination of two or more words which function as preposition.

For example:

Winning the first prize was out of her expectation.



Conjunctions are used to join clauses, phrases, and words together for constructing sentences. It is show relationship between/among words or group of words to other sentences.

For example:

Maya and Anissa are classmates.

I watched Korean drama on my pc when my mom was baked a cake.

Conjunction can be divided into three types, they are coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions.

a. Coordinating conjunction used to join two words, phrases, or independent clause, which are parallel in structure (but, and, or, for, so, yet).

I like him, but he like his best friend.

When we watch horror film, sissy shout and hug me tight.

b. Correlative conjunction: used to contrast or compare the equal parts of the sentence. These kinds of conjunctions have its own special connection between them (not only-but also, neither-nor, either-or, both-and, whether-or).

For example:

Both Nathan and Elsa are Indonesian.

My mother cooks not only fried chicken but also fried rice.

Either summer or winter, I spend all along day in my room.

c. Subordinating conjunction: these kinds of conjunctions used to join elements of an unparallel sentence structure. Most common of its kinds are after, how, in order that, which, before, since, provided, because.

For example:

The flight is delayed because of the bad weather.

Remember to close the door before you left the house.





Articles in English consist of three, they are a, an, and the. It is used  before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. There are two types of articles, they are definite article and indefinite articles. Definite article is consisting of ‘the’, and indefinite articles consist of a and an.

For example:

Let’s go to the beach and having fun.

I’m so excited to watch a comedy movie.



Interjection is kinds of part of speech that is used to expressing emotion, usually in a form of exclamation inserted in regular speech. An interjection does not have a relation to the other parts of the sentence, and they don’t have grammatical function in the sentence construction.

An interjection has four rules.

a. express sudden mood, emotion, and feeling with emphasis.

For example:

Wow, look how beautiful she is.

b. interrupt conversation or hold someone’s attention.

For example:

Can you, um, lend me some money?

c. some interjections express only yes or no.

For example:

Oh no, I’m failed.

Yes, we will go to the zoo tomorrow.

 d. an interjection used to get someone’s attention.

For example:

Hey, let’s watch a new Korean drama tonight.


Okay guys, I think that’s all about our materials in this section. To make sure that you understand about this material, I will give you some exercise below. Good luck guys…

1. May I borrow your book?

a. noun

b. pronoun

c. verb


2. Ega teach his brother patiently.

a. adverb

b. adjective

c. articles.


3. Daddy, um, can you give me some candies?

a. adjective

b. pronoun

c. interjection


4. I’ll lend you some money.

a. verb

b. noun

c. adjective

5. Mia didn’t join the competition.

a. adverb

b. interjection

c. articles


6. The building was broken because of the great earthquake.

a. interjection

b. adjective

c. conjunction


7. Dina always bring her phone.

a. noun

b. adverb

c. verb


8. I’m a student from Cambridge University.

a. noun

b. adjective

c. conjunction


9. Please read it carefully.

a. verb

b. adverb

c. noun


10. Yeah, that’s my favorite boy.

a. conjunction

b. interjection

c. articles.


11. Yesterday, I bought a bunch of bananas.

a. noun

b. interjection

c. adverb


 12. May I sit down here?

a. verbs

b. conjunction

c. adjective


13. The party is held at the school hall.

a. conjunction

b. preposition

c. articles


14. Can you help to bring this book?

a. verb

b. interjection

c. noun


15. Diva sits between Gio and Nara

a. preposition

b. adjective

c. articles.


If you already finish to do the exercise, you can check your answer in this link. Good luck guys. . .














































  1. kajiannya sangat lengkap dan menarik juga, terimakasih telah berbagi ilmu👍🥰

  2. Complete material!!
    Thanks for sharing, good job :)

  3. Great!!... Sangat membantu
    Terimakasih ilmunya :)

  4. Sangat bagus.
    Terimakasih untuk ilmunya.
    Sangat bermanfaat sekali♡

  5. marvelous!! its easy to understand while i read it. i love how you bring the material to audience. thanks for creator and hope you doing well on your other project.


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